大约 1 分钟
# Reboot the system:
# Power off the system (same as `poweroff`):
reboot --poweroff
# Halt the system (same as `halt`):
reboot --halt
# Reboot immediately without contacting the system manager:
reboot --force
# Write the wtmp shutdown entry without rebooting the system:
reboot --wtmp-only
# Power off (halt) immediately:
shutdown -h now
# Reboot immediately:
shutdown -r now
# Reboot in 5 minutes:
shutdown -r +5 &
# Shutdown at 1:00 pm (Uses 24h clock):
shutdown -h 13:00
# Cancel a pending shutdown/reboot operation:
shutdown -c
# Power off the system:
# Halt the system (same as `halt`):
poweroff --halt
# Reboot the system (same as `reboot`):
poweroff --reboot
# Shut down immediately without contacting the system manager:
poweroff --force --force
# Write the wtmp shutdown entry without shutting down the system:
poweroff --wtmp-only
# Halt the system:
# Power off the system (same as `poweroff`):
halt --poweroff
# Reboot the system (same as `reboot`):
halt --reboot
# Halt immediately without contacting the system manager:
halt --force --force
# Write the wtmp shutdown entry without halting the system:
halt --wtmp-only
# Print all information:
uname --all
# Print the current kernel name:
uname --kernel-name
# Print the current network node host name:
uname --nodename
# Print the current kernel release:
uname --kernel-release
# Print the current kernel version:
uname --kernel-version
# Print the current machine hardware name:
uname --machine
# Print the current processor type:
uname --processor
# Print the current operating system name:
uname --operating-system
# Return the default config, and create it if it's the first time the program runs:
# Trigger an info line from appearing in the output, where 'infoname' is the function name in the config file, e.g. memory:
neofetch --enable|disable infoname
# Hide/Show OS architecture:
neofetch --os_arch on|off
# Enable/Disable CPU brand in output:
neofetch --cpu_brand on|off
# Show all running services:
systemctl status
# List failed units:
systemctl --failed
# Start/Stop/Restart/Reload a service:
systemctl start|stop|restart|reload unit
# Show the status of a unit:
systemctl status unit
# Enable/Disable a unit to be started on bootup:
systemctl enable|disable unit
# Mask/Unmask a unit to prevent enablement and manual activation:
systemctl mask|unmask unit
# Reload systemd, scanning for new or changed units:
systemctl daemon-reload
# Check if a unit is enabled:
systemctl is-enabled unit