
Kevin2li大约 2 分钟Linux


  • journalctl
  1. 列出所有日志条目:
  1. 根据服务名称列出所有与该服务相关的日志条目:
journalctl -u service_name
  1. 根据日期和时间过滤日志词条。例如,列出12月3日之后的所有日志:
journalctl --since "2019-12-03"
  1. 使用实时输出功能实时查看系统日志:
journalctl -f
  1. 通过系统日志查找与特定进程相关的条目:
journalctl _PID=process_id
  1. 列出指定进程名称的所有日志条目:
journalctl _COMM=process_name
  1. 列出最近特定行数的日志:
journalctl -n number_of_lines
  1. 列出日志文件大小,磁盘使用量和剩余磁盘空间:
journalctl --disk-usage
  1. 显示特定时间段内的内核消息:
journalctl --dmesg
  • last
# View last logins, their duration and other information as read from `/var/log/wtmp`:

# Specify how many of the last logins to show:
last -n login_count

# Print the full date and time for entries and then display the hostname column last to prevent truncation:
last -F -a

# View all logins by a specific user and show the IP address instead of the hostname:
last username -i

# View all recorded reboots (i.e., the last logins of the pseudo user "reboot"):
last reboot

# View all recorded shutdowns (i.e., the last logins of the pseudo user "shutdown"):
last shutdown

  • lastb
# Show a list of all last logged in users:
sudo lastb

# Show a list of all last logged in users since a given time:
sudo lastb --since YYYY-MM-DD

# Show a list of all last logged in users until a given time:
sudo lastb --until YYYY-MM-DD

# Show a list of all logged in users at a specific time:
sudo lastb --present hh:mm

# Show a list of all last logged in users and translate the IP into a hostname:
sudo lastb --dns
  • lastlog
# Display the most recent login of all users:

# Display the lastlog record of the specified user:
lastlog --user username

# Display records older than 7 days:
lastlog --before 7

# Display records more recent than 3 days:
lastlog -time 3
  • watch
# Monitor files in the current directory:
watch ls

# Monitor disk space and highlight the changes:
watch -d df

# Monitor "node" processes, refreshing every 3 seconds:
watch -n 3 "ps aux | grep node"