参考: https://the-algorithms.com/algorithm/edit-distance
Author : Turfa Auliarachman
Date : October 12, 2016
This is a pure Python implementation of Dynamic Programming solution to the edit
distance problem.
The problem is :
Given two strings A and B. Find the minimum number of operations to string B such that
A = B. The permitted operations are removal, insertion, and substitution.
def min_dist_bottom_up(self, word1: str, word2: str) -> int:
>>> EditDistance().min_dist_bottom_up("intention", "execution")
>>> EditDistance().min_dist_bottom_up("intention", "")
>>> EditDistance().min_dist_bottom_up("", "")
self.word1 = word1
self.word2 = word2
m = len(word1)
n = len(word2)
self.dp = [[0 for _ in range(n + 1)] for _ in range(m + 1)]
for i in range(m + 1):
for j in range(n + 1):
if i == 0: # first string is empty
self.dp[i][j] = j
elif j == 0: # second string is empty
self.dp[i][j] = i
elif word1[i - 1] == word2[j - 1]: # last characters are equal
self.dp[i][j] = self.dp[i - 1][j - 1]
insert = self.dp[i][j - 1]
delete = self.dp[i - 1][j]
replace = self.dp[i - 1][j - 1]
self.dp[i][j] = 1 + min(insert, delete, replace)
return self.dp[m][n]
小于 1 分钟